Update: Hawkins Squadron Meeting, November 15


Please join us Thursday evening, November 15 at 1900 at Rosenberg Library in Galveston for the Hawkins Squadron bimonthly meeting. (Note the change of date.) We will be meeting in the McCullough Room on the main floor of the library. This will be an important and busy meeting. Guests are welcome to attend.

ThomasOertlingOn Thursday we will have the squadron’s biennial election of officers, so it’s important for all members to attend and vote. Our speaker will be Tom Oertling (right), Instructional Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University at Galveston, who will demonstrate various crafts, skills and tools common to sailors in the Age of Sail. Among these will be whipping and seizing a line; making an eye splice; making a grommet; sewing and repairing canvass; fancy knot work. He will also show examples of worming, parceling, and serving a shroud, ditty bags, and various tools used by sailors in their work.

Rosenberg Library is located at 2310 Sealy Street in Galveston. The Texas Navy Association is a private, 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to preserving and promoting the historical legacy of the naval forces of the Republic of Texas, 1835-46. The mission of the Texas Navy Association is to preserve and promote an appreciation of the historic character and heroic acts of the Texas Navy; to promote travel by visitors to historical sites and areas in which the Texas Navy operated; to conduct, in the broadest sense, a public relations campaign to create a responsible and accurate image of Texas; and to encourage Texas communities, organizations, and individuals, as well as governmental entities, to participate with actions and money, in pursuit of these goals. Membership in the Texas Navy Association is open to all persons age 16 and over who have an interest in Texas history and want to help support the goals of the organization.

In Galveston, the Charles E. Hawkins Squadron was organized in the fall of 2016, and meets in odd-numbered months.
