Is E3 2021 Happening This Year-

Summer will be here before you know it, and with the arrival of warmer weather and longer days, you might be wondering about E3 2021. The show was canceled in 2020 due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic and questions remains about this year’s event.

We’ve compiled a rundown of the latest updates on this year’s show.

Is There An E3 This Year?

The short answer is that we don’t know for sure at this point. The ESA, which organizes E3 every year, penciled in E3 2021 for June 15-17 but what format this year’s event takes–if it happens at all–remains to be seen.

The signs are pointing to a digital showcase this year, as the local government of Los Angeles recently announced that the “live” portion of E3 2021 would not go forward.

What Might E3 2021 Look Like?

A pitch deck for E3 2021 leaked, and it mentioned an all-digital event featuring streamed game demos, panel showcases, keynote events, and mor…